Our Cyber-Security services practice utilises our specialist capabilities in intelligent optimised networking to provide a secure foundation for your organisation. We stay abreast of industry trends and cyber security solutions focusing on emerging technology which enables Novo3 to provide the most up to date security solutions for our clients.

We approach each engagement by assessing our customer's requirements and defining solutions in the context of the business and its requirements. This approach assists in bridging the gap between IT and business stakeholders to ensure a successful, measurable outcome is achieved.

Some of the Security Services we offer

Our Experience


Every organisation needs IT security and Novo3 places the utmost importance on this aspect with our customers. All our consulting and practice leads place security at the forefront for all the services we deliver. Security posture is the baseline for all our Managed Service offerings to ensure we deliver the best and most secure experience to our customers.

Our security experts can assist you and provide the support, governance and peace of mind required with your organisations’ security posture.

Our Team of Experts

Our team of security professionals are carefully selected to bring not only security expertise, but experience in understanding who security is a key component of every IT system across your organisation.

The breadth of experience ensures any security engagements reference your business priorities, policies and compliance, IT Management, Enterprise Architecture, DevSecOps and Cloud Security.
